
Yesterday, instead of Starnberg, we made our way to Garmisch. I'm not quite sure how it worked out that way, but I don't think any of us really cared where we were going as long as we were just...going. Garmisch is a town in the mountains about 3 hours south-west of Regensburg. So we left an uncharacteristically sunny Regensburg from the train station around 9am headed toward our connecting train in Munich. We honestly didn't have too good of an idea where we were headed, what we would do when we got there, or even if we were on the right train, but again, none of us seemed to care. We were going to enjoy our independence for all it was worth. As the train made its way further and further south, the towns got more obscure. At one point we just kept looking out the window wondering where our sun had gone! I don't think any of us would have been shocked to look out the window and see a couple eskimos, or a dog sled. The blowing snow made it hard to see much past the few scattered houses. Soon enough our train pulls into the Garmisch station. By the sound of the town's name, and the "under construction" look of the station, we jumped to conclusions that this place was a little sketch. Thankfully, as soon as we walked out the doors and into the town, we realized how great the place actually was. The sun started peeking through and we could see mountains on every side. For those of you who know Big Bear, it reminded me a little of that - only Germanized. So we walked around for a bit stomping through some serious snow, looked at some souvenirs, and then headed for a coffee shop. I'm going to miss that about Germany [the bakery/coffee shops]...Starbucks doesn't even come close. After some "coffee chocolat," Heather and Lisa stayed to read for a bit while Chris and I explored some more. We ran into a couple cool churches, and stumbled on an awesome path that goes kind of above the city. Pictures would explain it better than a description, but I didn't actually take any [oops!]. The other three did though, so check them out.

That's about it I think. In just a few minutes we're headed for "cold church" again. WHY aren't German churches heated?...or in English? Just kidding, sort of.

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